Source: lib/media/gap_jumping_controller.js

/*! @license
 * Shaka Player
 * Copyright 2016 Google LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0



 * GapJumpingController handles jumping gaps that appear within the content.
 * This will only jump gaps between two buffered ranges, so we should not have
 * to worry about the availability window.
 * @implements {shaka.util.IReleasable}
 */ = class {
   * @param {!HTMLMediaElement} video
   * @param {!} timeline
   * @param {shaka.extern.StreamingConfiguration} config
   * @param {} stallDetector
   *   The stall detector is used to keep the playhead moving while in a
   *   playable region. The gap jumping controller takes ownership over the
   *   stall detector.
   *   If no stall detection logic is desired, |null| may be provided.
   * @param {function(!Event)} onEvent Called when an event is raised to be sent
   *   to the application.
  constructor(video, timeline, config, stallDetector, onEvent) {
    /** @private {HTMLMediaElement} */
    this.video_ = video;

    /** @private {?} */
    this.timeline_ = timeline;

    /** @private {?shaka.extern.StreamingConfiguration} */
    this.config_ = config;

    /** @private {?function(!Event)} */
    this.onEvent_ = onEvent;

    /** @private {shaka.util.EventManager} */
    this.eventManager_ = new shaka.util.EventManager();

    /** @private {boolean} */
    this.seekingEventReceived_ = false;

    /** @private {number} */
    this.prevReadyState_ = video.readyState;

    /** @private {boolean} */
    this.didFireLargeGap_ = false;

     * The stall detector tries to keep the playhead moving forward. It is
     * managed by the gap-jumping controller to avoid conflicts. On some
     * platforms, the stall detector is not wanted, so it may be null.
     * @private {}
    this.stallDetector_ = stallDetector;

    /** @private {boolean} */
    this.hadSegmentAppended_ = false;

    this.eventManager_.listen(video, 'waiting', () => this.onPollGapJump_());

     * We can't trust |readyState| or 'waiting' events on all platforms. To make
     * up for this, we poll the current time. If we think we are in a gap, jump
     * out of it.
     * See: and
     * @private {?shaka.util.Timer}
    this.gapJumpTimer_ = new shaka.util.Timer(() => {
    }).tickEvery(/* seconds= */ 0.25);

  /** @override */
  release() {
    if (this.eventManager_) {
      this.eventManager_ = null;

    if (this.gapJumpTimer_ != null) {
      this.gapJumpTimer_ = null;

    if (this.stallDetector_) {
      this.stallDetector_ = null;

    this.onEvent_ = null;
    this.timeline_ = null;
    this.video_ = null;

   * Called when a segment is appended by StreamingEngine, but not when a clear
   * is pending. This means StreamingEngine will continue buffering forward from
   * what is buffered.  So we know about any gaps before the start.
  onSegmentAppended() {
    this.hadSegmentAppended_ = true;

  /** Called when a seek has started. */
  onSeeking() {
    this.seekingEventReceived_ = true;
    this.hadSegmentAppended_ = false;
    this.didFireLargeGap_ = false;

   * Called on a recurring timer to check for gaps in the media.  This is also
   * called in a 'waiting' event.
   * @private
  onPollGapJump_() {
    // Don't gap jump before the video is ready to play.
    if (this.video_.readyState == 0) {
    // Do not gap jump if seeking has begun, but the seeking event has not
    // yet fired for this particular seek.
    if (this.video_.seeking) {
      if (!this.seekingEventReceived_) {
    } else {
      this.seekingEventReceived_ = false;
    // Don't gap jump while paused, so that you don't constantly jump ahead
    // while paused on a livestream.  We make an exception for time 0, since we
    // may be _required_ to seek on startup before play can begin, but only if
    // autoplay is enabled.
    if (this.video_.paused && (this.video_.currentTime != 0 ||
      (!this.video_.autoplay && this.video_.currentTime == 0))) {

    // When the ready state changes, we have moved on, so we should fire the
    // large gap event if we see one.
    if (this.video_.readyState != this.prevReadyState_) {
      this.didFireLargeGap_ = false;
      this.prevReadyState_ = this.video_.readyState;

    if (this.stallDetector_ && this.stallDetector_.poll()) {
      // Some action was taken by StallDetector, so don't do anything yet.

    const smallGapLimit = this.config_.smallGapLimit;
    const currentTime = this.video_.currentTime;
    const buffered = this.video_.buffered;
    const gapDetectionThreshold = this.config_.gapDetectionThreshold;

    const gapIndex =
        buffered, currentTime, gapDetectionThreshold);

    // The current time is unbuffered or is too far from a gap.
    if (gapIndex == null) {

    // If we are before the first buffered range, this could be an unbuffered
    // seek.  So wait until a segment is appended so we are sure it is a gap.
    if (gapIndex == 0 && !this.hadSegmentAppended_) {

    // StreamingEngine can buffer past the seek end, but still don't allow
    // seeking past it.
    const jumpTo = buffered.start(gapIndex);
    const seekEnd = this.timeline_.getSeekRangeEnd();
    if (jumpTo >= seekEnd) {

    const jumpSize = jumpTo - currentTime;
    const isGapSmall = jumpSize <= smallGapLimit;
    let jumpLargeGap = false;

    // If we jump to exactly the gap start, we may detect a small gap due to
    // rounding errors or browser bugs.  We can ignore these extremely small
    // gaps since the browser should play through them for us.
    if (jumpSize < {

    if (!isGapSmall && !this.didFireLargeGap_) {
      this.didFireLargeGap_ = true;

      // Event firing is synchronous.
      const data = new Map()
          .set('currentTime', currentTime)
          .set('gapSize', jumpSize);
      const event = new shaka.util.FakeEvent('largegap', data);
      event.cancelable = true;

      if (this.config_.jumpLargeGaps && !event.defaultPrevented) {
        jumpLargeGap = true;
      } else {'Ignoring large gap at', currentTime, 'size', jumpSize);

    if (isGapSmall || jumpLargeGap) {
      if (gapIndex == 0) {
            'Jumping forward', jumpSize,
            'seconds because of gap before start time of', jumpTo);
      } else {
            'Jumping forward', jumpSize, 'seconds because of gap starting at',
            buffered.end(gapIndex - 1), 'and ending at', jumpTo);

      this.video_.currentTime = jumpTo;

 * The limit, in seconds, for the gap size that we will assume the browser will
 * handle for us.
 * @const
 */ = 0.001;